
Random thoughts and helpful CAD links... - Enjoy!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Copy/Paste with accuracy...

If you have ever used the Windows Copy (Ctrl+C) to copy objects to the clipboard and then the Windows Paste (Ctrl+V) to copy/paste AutoCAD object(s), then you know that those clipboard object(s) will have the lower left-hand corner of their extents as the base point (not very precise)... and this always reminds me of some of the graphic editing applets (e.g.: Paint or even the wonderful AutoCAD Button Editor!) that have you draw a circle like a rectangle. (annoying to say the least!)


With AutoCAD you can use the keyboard shortcut of (Ctrl+Shft+C) to pick a base point for your clipboard object(s). COPYBASE is the actual command, and then you can paste to a precise point in the destination AutoCAD DWG file using the keyboard shortcut of (Ctrl+Shift+V). This is the PASTEBLOCK command or you can also use the PASTEORIG command if the COPYBASEd object(s) go in the same exact spot in the receiving DWG file.

Also it is important to note: If you do use the Ctrl+Shift+V PASTEBLOCK method and want to leave it as a block, AutoCAD will assign a name for the block, which is something like "A$C11A06AFD" or "A$C1F7A5022" ... Either use the RENAME command, or use EXPLODE or XPLODE, also watch your layers, with regards to the object(s) original layers and where this new "block" is being INSERTed... or where they go if they are EXPLODEd vs. XPLODEd. (I will save that for a whole different post).

- Enjoy

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


AUGI (Autodesk Users Group International) is running CAD Camps all over the continent.

CAD Camp Home:

Put aside every objection you’ve ever heard or held about finding the time for training and then join AUGI for a single day at AUGI CAD Camp, a regional training and networking event being held around North America.

In a single day, you’ll receive intense, targeted training from top instructors in five different training sessions.

In a single day, you’ll get a look at hot new technology from some of Autodesk’s top third-party software development partners.

In a single day, you’ll have a chance to network with peers and colleagues.

In a single day, you'll have the opportunity to earn up to five AIA Credits (upon approval)

In a single day, you'll earn a $100 discount towards Autodesk University

No sales presentations, no marketing hype. A single day devoted only to training and networking. Then it’s back to work to apply all you’ve learned.

Select an event location near you and then navigate through our site to get answers to all of your questions. We hope you will join us! It’s only one day—but what a difference a day can make.

- Enjoy

Sunday, July 17, 2005

New ADT Blog Alert!!!

Please welcome the newest ADT Blog: Vision 1 Architects

This blog is created by Craig Stack, who is a small architectural company located in Redcliffe - Queensland Australia - essentially a sole practitioner.

- Enjoy

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cool Site: Make your own license plate

Sometimes one just needs a little break...

Pretend you are in prison... ACME LICENSE MAKER
- Enjoy

AutoCAD 2006: enhancement to the FIND command

Just found this one today...

AutoCAD 2006 has enhanced the FIND command.
It now permits the use of wildcards like * and ?

- Enjoy

Friday, July 01, 2005

Autodesk's "Realize Your Ideas" tour comes to you via free webcasts

Webcast Events

Can’t join the Autodesk Realize Your Ideas Tour in person? Then sign up for a FREE webcast!

If you missed them on tour, you still have an opportunity to learn new ways to turn your ideas into reality. Their industry-specific webcast series offer multiple webcasts on an array of topics tailored to your interests and business needs. Attend one webcast or attend them all in a series and learn how the newest Autodesk® software and solutions, including AutoCAD® 2006, can help you beat the competition and grow your business.

- Enjoy